

In a global workplace ever more focused on logistics a legislator could not leave by the wayside the safety and maintenance aspect of stocking systems.

Given such legislation and building codes have grown progressively more exhaustive, with particular importance in regards to UNI EN 12635:2009

To guarantee the safety levels of warehouses destined for stocking and deposit of goods, an annual technical inspection of racking systems is required. Commonly in fact, vehicles used for moving pallets, such as forklifts, often damage structures, resulting in situations of potential danger due to shelving instability.

The Client's

Meet building codes and legislative measures regarding racking system safety.  (D. Lgs.81/08, D.M. 14 gennaio 2008, Circolare n.617/2009 del C.S.LL.PP., EN 1993-1-3:2006, UNI EN 15512:2009, UNI EN 15635:2009).

BM Engineering's Modus Operandi

  • An essential element to establish an efficient partnership focused on reaching objectives is represented by a meeting. During this meeting the client will have the possibility to engage with our technical experts, architects and specialized engineers, to develop by means of a multidisciplinary approach a personalized and timely maintenance plan.
  • A first on-site inspection with the objective of quantifying and assessing the racking systems to be evaluated and identification of an ideal work strategy.
  • The inspection phase is essential for proper evaluation of the estimate based on what was observed and analyzed.
  • The client will be asked to provide the necessary technical documentation required for completion of the project. Should such documentation be unavailable, a request to public records shall be made, or, alternatively, an assessment of the interested area.
  • After agreeing on a timetable, a visual inspection of the racking system and eventual assessments, along with a classification of the varying types of racking systems.
  • Subsequent to the visual inspection a static analysis is performed wherever the previous inspection deemed it necessary.
  • The final product is a detailed report of inspectional analysis in which is presented not only a draft of technical tables of the varying types of racking systems, but also all problematic elements found, classification of said problems according to the level of damage as well as solutions to be adopted. 

We worked for

via Attilio Regolo 12d – 00192 Roma
Phone +39 06 45441623


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certification of the company’s quality system UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

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